Migraine Headache Symptoms

Migraine Headache Symptoms and their causes explained.

When left untreated the average migraine may last anywhere from three hours to three days. The frequency of migraines can vary from person to person and no one is sure exactly what causes migraine headaches. Some people have migraine headaches several times each month, others only a handful of times each year.
Go to the doctor or emergency room immediately if:

- Abrupt severe headache

- Headache with fever, mental confusion, double vision, numbness

- Head injury followed by a severe headache

- New headache pain if your over 50 years of age

Friday, July 24, 2009

Migraine Headache Symptoms

Migraine Headache Symptoms often have very painful symptoms which may include:

- Severe Pain on one or both sides of the head
- The pain gets worse with any physical activity
- Pain will interfere with normal everyday life
- Nausea that may be associated with or without vomiting
- Light and sound sensitivity
- A pulsating or throbbing pain in the head
These are the most common symptoms of a Migraine Headache.

Many people leave their Migraine headache symptoms undiagnosed and untreated. Migraine Headache Symptoms have the ability to ruin your day and should often be talked about with your physician or doctor. Keep record of your headaches and symptoms and make an appointment to discuss the record.

Migraines are not all identical, "Common Migraine headaches" are not associated with the aura effect. Migraine Headaches that have auras are considered "Classic Migraines". Auras may include any change to your vision, including flashes of light.

Migraine Headache symptoms immediately before a classic headache may include:

- Craving of sweets

- Thirsty


- Tired

- Groggy

- Irritability
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